Episode 46

Published on:

15th Dec 2024

The UnNoticed Entrepreneur | Building Business Superfans with Guest Frederick Dudek

Jim James interviews Frederick Dudek who joins the podcast to discuss the concept of "super fans" and their crucial role in transforming businesses. A super fan is defined as a stakeholder who actively advocates for a brand, often without any direct benefit, similar to passionate sports fans. Frederick shares his extensive experience in both engineering and sales, highlighting how he built strong relationships with customers by focusing on their long-term goals and challenges. He emphasizes the importance of recognition and appreciation in fostering loyalty, whether in B2B or consumer contexts. Listeners will gain valuable insights on how to create a culture of gratitude within their organizations, ultimately leading to enthusiastic supporters who drive business success.

Episode 46  Frederick Dudek (Freddy D)

The UnNoticed Entrepreneur | Building Business Superfans with Guest Frederick Dudek

Discover more with our detailed show notes and exclusive content by visiting: https://bit.ly/3Pi4MrX

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  • Creating business superfans involves recognizing and appreciating every stakeholder's contribution and efforts.
  • Follow-up communication is crucial; a simple thank you note can build strong relationships.
  • Understanding customer objectives helps in positioning your product as a strategic tool for success.
  • Engaged employees who feel appreciated are more likely to become brand advocates.
  • Translating recognition into team celebrations can foster a positive company culture.
  • Podcasting can be a valuable tool for businesses to engage with their audience effectively.

Links referenced in this episode:

Companies mentioned in this episode:

  • Eaton Corporation
  • Westinghouse

Mentioned in this episode:

Business Superfans Accelerator

Attention business owners, are you looking to transform your employees, customers, and business allies relationships and elevate your brand to new heights? Join the Business Superfans Accelerator today. Led by me, Freddie D, this dynamic mentorship program empowers you to turn your stakeholders into passionate superfans. The ultimate brand advocates who actively promote your business. Imagine a community of dedicated supporters promoting your products or services, not just through word of mouth, but as proud champions of your brand. With exclusive access to monthly Q& A sessions, brainstorming opportunities, and valuable resources like online courses, playbooks, and much more. This program is designed to provide you with the tools you need for sustainable, profitable growth. Don't wait. Every moment you delay allows your competition to get ahead. Sign up now at bizsuperfans. community and start unleashing the potential of your superfans today. Your brand's transformation awaits. Let's make business growth your reality.

Thrive Together Network

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Jim James:

Now we've heard a lot about cx, which is customer experience. We've heard a lot about after sales.

But my guest today has over 30 years of experience as an entrepreneur and also from an engineering and B2B background, which is really interesting because he's going to talk to us today about the total experience and how you can transform stakeholders into business superfans.

We're going to talk a little bit about the difference between B2B and B2C when you're building superfans, and also the importance of engaging employees and most importantly, how to do that. We're joined from Scottsdale, Arizona by Frederick Dudek. Frederick, welcome to the show.

Frederick Dudek:

Welcome Jim. Thank you for inviting me on the show. I'm excited to share some stuff with your audience.

Jim James:

Well, me too. And Frederick said welcome because actually he also has a podcast. So he is used to being the host I think.

So I'm turning the tables on you today, Frederick. You've got a lot of great wisdom to share.

Now let's just hear a little bit about you, but then also let's then talk about business super fans and why we need them and how we can get them.

Frederick Dudek:

Okay, well, I'll do a quick recap a little bit of my history. I was actually born in France and grew up in the United States.

But I was fortunate in my early youth to spend a lot of summers in my grandfather's place just outside of Bordeaux.

In middle school I got involved into drafting and that took me into engineering career where I did a lot of drafting stuff for the automotive industry. And then from there I was picked to learn Computer Aided Design when it was just beginning.

And so I did some work in that area and then I actually joined a software company that was developing computer aided design and became an applications engineer for them. And that moved me from the Detroit area to the Chicago area. And for about five years I was involved in installing software and training people.

And I actually had a life changing event. While I was training people. I was at a company called Eaton Corporation and I was doing my second training and this was in front of a group.

The first training was Westinghouse. It was just me and one other guy.

So it was simple but I did the training and the manager pulled me aside and said that was the worst possible training I've ever seen. I'm going to give you till tomorrow to get it sorted where I'm calling your boss and having you terminated.

I slept well that night and the next day actually the guy actually did me a big favor because I created what I would call engagement training.

So I would turn around and start having a conversation with the students in the class and start around and say okay Jim, is this the right write command syntax to do this? And they'd say well you'd say okay, yeah, I think so. Well Mike, do you agree with Jim?

And started to get a whole conversation and I became the most sought after application engineer to install software and train.

Five years later I got moved into sales and was fortunate to get some very high end sales training programs like Wilson Learning, Strategic Strategic account management and etc. In my first year in sales I won some awards and from there I became a district manager, regional manager.

I worked for a UK company that moved me to the west coast of United States to Arizona.

And then I became a director of worldwide sales for a software company and took a product from zero to multimillion, set up 60 resellers around the world in a three year window and then I've had my own business and then most recently I've worked with interpreting and translation company and we implemented systems in there.

We changed the culture in the company and we grew that company and positioned it first grew that company by a million dollars and positioned it for sale and it was sold in December of last year with which the transaction finalized in January.

Jim James:

Well, that's an amazing, an amazing career. Now you sort of coming not out of it, but through those experiences and you've got your book out talking about business. Super fans. What is it?

What is a super fan? Let's just be clear about what is a superfan, Frederick.

Frederick Dudek:

A super fan is all your stakeholders is the way I look at it, being your brand advocates on steroids.

So if you think of a sports team, so you look at European football, okay, and you've got the fans painted with the faces painted the jerseys, the banners and everything else. And they're, you know, is the team paying them for that? No, but who are they promoting?

They're promoting that team and it's at their own cost on top of it. And most likely the team's making some money off the merchandising.

So the idea came along that, you know, when I was selling manufacturing software, my customers were my super fans and they would turn me on to other tool and die shops that could use my technology because some of the times these shops are doing overflow work from my customer. And so my sales cycle was collapsed to most of the time it was just taking the order and what's it going to cost me and how fast can you get it here.

Because so and so said I need to buy this stuff. And there was no, there was, there was no sales.

It was just order taking because of the fact that I had built up that reputation and helped my customers achieve where they wanted to go in business.

Jim James:

So a superfan is someone that recommends you to potentially new customers. You said you've helped them to achieve their own goals. How did you do that, Frederick?

Because there's a backstory to that part of the story, which is probably where some, some, if you like, some instructions for us, a living. So what, what would you have done for those customers to help them to get to their, their goal?

Frederick Dudek:

Well, I would take around and sit around and look at what their objectives was in the next three to five years. What's their business objectives, what's their challenges of getting to those objectives?

Because at the end of the day, the software is just software and you've got competitive products out there and they all do the job okay, some better, some other. But at the end of the day, you've got three different software companies. I'm speaking in that, you know, that space. They all do the job.

So how do you differentiate yourself? Well, one of the ways I differentiate myself was talked about what their business objectives are, what their challenges were.

My software was just a tool to help them get there. That's all it was as a tool. So then we put in this, helped them put the, define the strategies, define the cost, define a return on investment.

And most people would always be looking at, well, what's this going to cost me? And I would turn the conversation around into when do you want to be making money with this thing?

And then what are the steps that we need to lay out over the next two to three years so that not only you make a hundred thousand dollar two hundred thousand dollar investment in technology, when are you going to break even and when are you going to start making money with that? And now all of a sudden, the conversation was completely different. It was more strategic than it was from a technical perspective.

Jim James:

Frederick, what level of person did you have to have that conversation with?

Because in many situations a salesperson is talking to a person on the inside of a company that doesn't have the authority to impact those big decisions for the company. So that might also just be useful to look at which part of the organization are you having that conversation with?

Because it sounds so you need to be having that conversation with someone who has some authority to make some decisions that make an impact as well.

Frederick Dudek:

And you've got to ask to be able to speak to those people, that's really, you got to ask the question says, hey, these are some business things.

And I know that, you know, John, I appreciate your input, but I need to have some other, you know, business questions and can you hook me up with the owner of the company or the person that makes in charge of that stuff and excuse me. And I would get those because if you don't ask, you don't get. And so I would ask and I would get those meetings.

And then most of the time the management would be appreciative of that whole strategy because they never looked at it from that perspective, they never thought about it from that perspective.

The other thing that I did to create super fans out of that, let's say a tool and die shop, was when we would do a product presentation, we'd have the guys in the shop floor to be using the technology, management, you know, finance, all that stuff. I made sure to get everybody's name.

And then when we got done with the presentation, I sent a letter through the mail thanking everybody for their time and their input in our presentation.

So Steve, that's a guy in a shop floor that never gets anything, gets a letter in the mail saying, hey, Steve, I really appreciate your contribution to the meeting last week. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. He feels like a rock star.

And so when they would have a meeting to decide which vendor they're going to go with, I already had predisposed the mindset and they would come back and says, well, we felt after the sale your company would give the best support. And I positioned that by the follow up. Follow up is everything.

Jim James:


You know, Frederick, that's a really good piece of advice that the follow up, as you say, indicates the way that you would treat them after they become a customer.

Frederick Dudek:


Jim James:

Because you're sending them a letter without having got anything confirmed in terms of being a customer yet. Right. So you're showing some integrity and some willingness to be there for them whether you're their vendor or not.

Frederick Dudek:


Jim James:

So that positions you entirely different. And as you say, it's also next to next to free, that kind of gratitude, isn't it? It's a letter and some time.

Frederick Dudek:

Yeah, or email. I mean today's world email. But back then I used to do it via letter. It had more impact and it just changes the game.

Jim James:

So for anyone listening, for those of us listening, just that recognition through something in writing, for the people that often may be invisible in the room, because I think that's the other thing you're saying, Frederick, isn't it? It's not just the person who makes the decision, it's the other people in the room that are involved in the conversation in B2B.

How does that apply in the consumer space, Frederick? Because they're quite different B2B sales and consumer sales, aren't they? Where?

Frederick Dudek:

Sure. But I look at it as, it's very similar because if I'm, let's say I'm a home improvement company, okay. And someone wants their kitchen remodel.

So you go in and you go and assess the remodeling project and they're going to look at a couple different vendors. So one of the things I've coached those type of businesses is send a thank you note for the opportunity to quote on a particular project.

So now you're showing that you're grateful that you've been invited to bid on this particular project. More importantly, the odds are the competition did not do that.

So right off the bat, you stand out in front of everybody because of the fact he said, wow, you know, Jim, thank you so much for the opportunity on this to bid on your kitchen remodeling project. We know that that's where most people spend most of the time in our house.

And so we just wanted to say again, thank you and we look forward to the possibility of working with you. And so you also position the verbiage, so you're assuming the close as well. So it serves as two purposes. One, it serves gratitude.

Second of all, you're already talking about our next steps to move forward.

Jim James:

So Frederick, although you've got a background in engineering, you are really a bit of a psychologist and a marketing expert rolled into one, aren't you?

Frederick Dudek:

I'm a, I'm a left brain, right brain guy.

Jim James:

Yeah. Very, very interesting. Very, very interesting. When you talk about total experience, we talked about sort of the pre selling.

What about the, the other tools or tactics that you might use when it comes to, for example, actually delivering and implementing a system into a client's company, what advice have you got for that?

Frederick Dudek:

Well, one is set the proper expectations.

So, you know, last thing that most people, whether it's, you know, a remodeling project at someone's home or you're implementing technology in somebody's business, you're disrupting their operations. So the important part is set proper expectations so that people can plan appropriately.

And so now all of a sudden it makes the whole process much simpler because, you know, for example, when I was running with the interpreting and translation company, we landed the Arizona Department of Health Services account. And that's a big organization. And they had 50 some offices with people.

So we actually set up training for them to how to utilize the on demand interpreting system, set proper expectations. And we had training videos that we created so that they could. We created a portal for the, for that specifically for them.

And that made the whole process of implementing it across 50 different locations and hundreds of people utilizing the service simple. And more importantly, speed is everything. And when there's an inquiry or an issue, speed is the deal maker.

If you can take it and handle it promptly, fast, it's the game changer because people get upset when they don't hear anything.

Jim James:

And Frederick, you're absolutely right when you think of it like that.

And you said earlier on how, you know, three companies, they've all got the same product, you're differentiating yourself on your pre selling, the recognition, on recognizing the installation will cause some disruption and also that on the, on the rollout that if there are any issues with that, that whoever needs to talk to somebody can get access to customer service without delay. Right. So these are the wrappings that you can put around a product or service that are not written on the book either.

They're not written down on the product definition. There are the other aspects of what it's like to do business with you.

Frederick Dudek:

They create the super fans and you know, that goes back into, you know, the team. How do you elevate your team?

You know, the employees, if you've got those into being super fans of the company that they work at, because at the end of the day, they're the front line to the prospective customer or the existing customer or supplier or distributor. And so that conversation is very, very important. I lost you.

Jim James:

And how are you doing that, Frederick? Because increasingly employees are remote or semi remote. And certainly in this day and age where people's contracts are maybe shorter lived.

So we're not having the same kind of lifetime commitment and loyalty to businesses on either side of the contract. How are you getting if you like super super fans as employees?

Frederick Dudek:

Well, one is, you know, one of my quotes in my book creating business super fans is people will crawl through broken glass for appreciation of recognition. And so the reality is we don't give out enough appreciation.

And you know, when you take around and say, okay, Suzy, you know, thanks a lot for that extra effort that you took with this particular customer and this particular problem. We really appreciate it. Well, Susie feels okay. Okay. She feels good.

However, if I turn around and say, hey, we have an accompanying meeting and I want to take a moment to recognize Susie in front of everybody. She feels on top of the world.

And more importantly, you've just motivated the whole team because of the fact that they're saying, wow, you know, the owner of the company really appreciates our extra effort and more importantly, notices it. And that's the game changer right there. That changed the culture, that changes the mindset. Now everybody wants to be recognized.

Jim James:

So the. The old criticize in private and recognize in public, Maxim still holds true, right for people.

And what about people buying in to the commercial success of the business? Because they could be super fans in terms of feeling recognized.

But we also want to translate that into the looking for opportunities, don't we, for the business? What's your experience and your guidance, Frederick, with getting people to also think about the financial rewards and the sales of the business?

Frederick Dudek:

Very good question.

So one of the things that's important is having them involved in the business because there's, you know, I've dealt with some companies where, well, we're not sharing the financials with anybody that's private and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

And the reality is, if you do share the financials, everybody's involved in it, then you can create a compensation plan that evolves around that aspect. So if we hit this particular target, we're going to have a bonus for everybody, because you can't get there without everybody in the first place.

And so now everybody's part of the equation. So with the interpreting company, for example, I started a Monday morning meeting and we, we reviewed. Where were we? What were the challenges?

What can we do? What's happening? And everybody was part of the conversation. There was no, we weren't playing secrets.

And that changed the whole dynamics because it say, okay, look, we hit this threshold. We celebrated. One of the things we did is we celebrated.

We hit, you know, a milestone and threw a little party in the office that we hit this milestone. So everybody was part of the energy. And, you know, I did the same thing years ago when I was in charge of global sales.

When we hit a certain threshold, I invited all the software developers. Nobody knew. I brought in food and I got, hey, can I see everybody in the conference room? And, you know, even the owner was like, what's up?

Just come into the conference room. And everybody came in. And all of a sudden I just said, you know, hey, I want to congratulate everybody.

We hit this mark, here's some lunch, here's a couple, you know, beverages, and let's just enjoy this moment. And people Appreciated that.

Jim James:

Yeah. As you say, to celebrate the successes, especially collectively, is really, really important, isn't it, Frederick?

Frederick Dudek:


Jim James:

Fred, let's change slightly the conversation because you're doing consulting, but you've had a career change yourself, really, haven't you? Because you've been in big companies, then transition to sort of semi entrepreneurial into consulting.

Can we just talk about how you've been building the Frederick Dudek brand as well? Because I think you've got a lot of, a lot of wisdom and inspiration that you can give us as well.

So just tell us how you've been building your own personal brand.

Frederick Dudek:

Well, that was something that I had to get around my head first off, because I'm used to doing products. So I initially started down the road of this is going to be my product and everything else.

You know, the business Super Fans is going to be the brand and everything else. And then I realized that really, no, I'm the brand.

And so I had to really take a step back, retool myself and get myself comfortable with the fact that at the end of the day I'm the brand and business Super Fans is my product. And so now I've changed all the, you know, the verbality and the marketing aspect and everything else.

And now I'm starting to work with some businesses to, you know, help them go to the next level and getting, you know, like I said with the interpreting company, you know, that was one where I stepped in as a, you know, general manager for a little bit and got them all organized and then I stepped out.

Recently I stepped into a commercial flooring company and got them systematized and within a two month window helped them get $1.1 million worth of bid opportunities because they had never, you know, they had been in business for 30 plus years, was just their word of mouth and they never went out and actually networked and went to events and everything else.

So I'm building myself up as the guy that helps businesses get themselves out of their own way, scale very quickly and then put them in the right direction and then just mentor them, making sure that, you know, they're staying on track.

Jim James:


And you're doing that through, you've got your website, which is frederickdudek.com so congratulations, you were able to get your, your own domain name and then you have your accelerator, but you also have a podcast as well as the book and the speaking. So of the strategies there that you've put into place to build your personal brand, Frederick, which ones are working best.

Frederick Dudek:

For you right now? I would say is the podcasting.

Actually, I just thought of when I was telling you earlier that I was out of country for numerous weeks, I came up with an idea that I'm going to share, is that, you know, small businesses can use podcasting for themselves to edify their team, to edify their customers and their product and services. So I'm actually putting together a course to help the small business what tools to use, what softwares to use.

And, you know, they don't have to have guests on. They could have their team as guests or customers, but it's a way to differentiate. Differentiate themselves over their competition.

And right now, it's the. Is the primary medium to communicate with an outside world.

Jim James:

Yeah, there's. That's a great idea. And there's a product called hello Audio which does private podcasting.

Frederick Dudek:

Interesting. Yeah.

Jim James:

So if I had the founder on this show a couple of years ago now.

And so if you want to host a podcast within an organization that you don't want to be on an RSS feed going out onto the main players, you can use hello Audio to control the distribution, which means that then you can keep it confidential. So great idea. And the tools are available now at very low cost.

Frederick Dudek:


Jim James:

To literally share your voice through the organization. Particularly useful if you've got an international or distributed workforce. Not even international.

Frederick Dudek:


I mean, you know, if you got a distribution channel or you're working with some suppliers, you can take time to recognize a supplier that went above and beyond to deliver some product or goods that you needed in a. In a very tight window.

So there's a lot of ways that you can leverage that whole total experience with a multitude of different touch points within an organization.

Jim James:

Frederick, sounds like a great way to now ask you your number one tip or piece of advice for an entrepreneur. What would that be?

Frederick Dudek:

It would be. Number one tip would be expressing thank you.

Because we don't say thank you enough to our team, our suppliers, our distributors, the host, all the stakeholders. You know, you get an employee that went above and beyond to make sure that something got taken care of.

You want to take time to just express some gratitude to them. Thank you. If you're. Let's say you're selling home improvement stuff again, I'll go back to that. And you didn't get the deal.

Send a thank you for the opportunity because it still shows that you're a graceful loser. You know, you look at sports and sports teams that are professional and stuff.

You know, one team win, one team loses, they all shake hands and so you know, I take that metaphor and aspect is, hey, thank you for the opportunity.

Today may not have been, you know, the time for us, but perhaps in the future, more importantly, perhaps you might know somebody else that could utilize our product and services. So you leave the door open and you leave on a professional basis.

And I think that that's where people sometimes overlook the thank yous and staying in touch with the customer.

Jim James:

Frederick, that's really, really nice.

And you're watching my daughter play hockey against the team this weekend, and at the end they stand opposite each other and give each other three cheers for the other team, you know, so at that level, they're learning to celebrate being in competition with each other and saying who's the best player on either side of the team. And yet, as you say, we sometimes lose that, don't we, as we get older and into the heat of competition, of business.

So thank you for reminding us of that, Frederick. A podcast or a book that you would recommend?

Frederick Dudek:

Well, I'm going to recommend my own book. So I'm going to create, I'm going to recommend Creating Business Super Fans because it's a playbook.

So there's some stories in there, but there's actual action items that you can actually take in there that you can actually implement right away. Don't cost you anything. But we'll start generating results.

And I'm going to push my own podcast as well, the Business Super Fans podcast, because that's where we share stories and bring on different people. Like this afternoon or actually later this morning in Arizona, I'm interviewing a business owner of a technology company.

So, and tomorrow I'm interviewing another company that's created e releases that is a PR platform that you can push out press releases that go to a multitude of media places. So a lot of, a lot of cool tips on growing a business, creating super fans and technology to do so.

Jim James:

Frederick, when you sound like just the man to do that. So as Frederick grew up in France, I'm going to say, merci Monsieur Yang. And if you want to get hold of you, how can they do that?

Frederick Dudek:

They can go to Frederick. F R E D E R I C K Dudek D U D E K.com Frederick.

Jim James:

Abiento AB so we've been all the way to Arizona speaking to a.

A Frenchman who now lives in Scottsdale, Arizona, with some really some international, internationally applicable rules of business engagement and of gratitude as well. And also appreciating really that to create Super Fans, we need to appreciate the people that we are trying to work with.

Whether we win or not, the overall game of business is one that we need to celebrate and to appreciate the people that are playing it with us. So a very positive and inspirational message from Frederick today.

If you've enjoyed this message, do please share it and review the show on a player because it really helps me know what you think. And until we meet again, I just encourage you to keep on communicating.

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L. Frederick Dudek (Freddy D)
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About the Podcast

Business Superfans Podcast
Struggling to grow your business? Attract the right employees, customers, and partners—then turn them into superfans with the BSA³ System™ (Attract, Advocate, Accelerate) to fuel brand advocacy, boost referrals, scale faster with proven strategies and AI!
Business Superfans® Podcast: Turn Stakeholders into Raving Advocates & Scale Faster

Are you ready to attract the right people, turn them into passionate superfans, and accelerate your business growth? Welcome to the Business Superfans® Podcast, where we reveal how to build a thriving brand fueled by loyalty, advocacy, and AI-powered engagement using the BSA³ System™—Attract, Advocate, Accelerate.

Why Listen?

Most businesses focus only on customers or employees—we go further. We help you turn EVERY stakeholder (leaders, employees, contractors, customers, suppliers, distributors, complimentary partners, and ancillary businesses) into superfans who drive long-term growth.

What You’ll Learn:

🎯 Attract – Proven Superfan Strategies to magnetize the right stakeholders.
📢 Advocate – Turn stakeholders into loyal brand champions who spread the word.
🚀 Accelerate – AI-powered automation, time-tested business growth strategies, and the Superfan effect to amplify results and scale faster.
📈 AI & SaaS Tools for Growth – Leverage cutting-edge technology for stakeholder engagement.
🔥 Real-World Success Stories – Learn from top business leaders, disruptors, and game-changers.
🧠 The Psychology of Advocacy – Master influence, trust-building, and long-term loyalty.

Meet Your Host: Freddy D

🎙️ Hosted by Frederick Dudek (aka Freddy D), an international sales and marketing leader, keynote speaker, and bestselling author of Creating Business Superfans®. With 35+ years of experience, he has successfully sold to industry giants like Bosch, Ingersoll Rand, Banner Health, and the State of Arizona, while also navigating global SaaS distribution channels to drive scalable growth.

👉 If you love podcasts like EOFIRE (Entrepreneurs on Fire), Smart Passive Income (SPI), James Schramko’s SuperFastBusiness, Dan Martell’s SaaS Academy, and GaryVee’s Marketing Strategies, you’ll find actionable insights here to build a brand that people don’t just buy from—they believe in.

🔊 Subscribe now and start transforming everyday connections into lifelong superfans who fuel your unstoppable business momentum!
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About your host

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Frederick Dudek

Frederick Dudek, author of the book "Creating Business Superfans," and host of the Business Superfans Podcast. He is an accomplished sales and marketing executive with over 30 years of experience in achieving remarkable sales performance results in global business markets. With a successful track record in the software-as-a-service industry and others. Frederick brings expertise and insight to help businesses thrive., he shares invaluable knowledge and strategies to create brand advocates, which he calls business superfans, who propel organizations toward long-term success.

Born in rural France, Frederick spent summers on his grandfather’s vineyard in France, where he developed a love for French wine. As a youth, he showed a strong aptitude for engineering and competed in drafting and design competitions. After winning numerous engineering awards, he became a draftsman working on numerous automotive projects. He was selected to design the spot weld guns for the 1982 Ford Escort car. That led to Frederick joining the emerging computer-aided design (CAD) and computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) industry, in which he quickly climbed the ranks.

While working for a CAD/CAM company as an application engineer, an opportunity presented itself that enabled Frederick to transition into sales. It was the right decision, and he never looked back. In the thirty-plus years Frederick has been selling, he has earned a reputation as the go-to guy for small companies that want to expand their business domestically or internationally. This role has allowed him to travel to over thirty countries and counting. When abroad, Frederick’s favorite pastime is to go exploring for hours, not to mention enjoying some of the local cuisine and fine wines.

Frederick is a former runner and athlete. Today, you can find him hiking various trails with his significant other, Kiley Kaplan. When not writing, selling, speaking, or exploring, he is cooking or building things. The next thing on Frederick’s bucket list is learning to sail and to continue the exploration of countries and their unique cultures.